Odds & Ends

“Stinking Selfish”

Mega-church pastor Andy Stanley came under fire for criticizing parents who don’t attend mega-churches with their kids. He rightly pointed out in a sermon that churches can overlook the great ministry opportunities and duties regarding middle- and high-school students, but took the controversial position that parents who choose to attend smaller churches, without big student ministries, were being “stinking selfish.”

He quickly tweeted an apology, and in the Christianity Today interview said he didn’t really mean it and couldn’t believe he said it.

Recognizing Foolish Leaders

Jon Bloom points out the biblical descriptions of foolish people and posits that Christians should use foolishness as the first-tier assessment of political leaders. According to Bloom, he (or she) may be a brilliant governor, but a fool, nonetheless, who shouldn’t occupy a leadership role.

Church Membership Encouraged

David Schrock provides a helpful description of the imagery used in the Bible regarding God’s people, and why “Lone Ranger” or uncommitted Christianity is detrimental to the believer, and to the local congregation.

Presidents and Funerals

Former first lady Nancy Reagan died this week. President Obama was criticized for not attending her funeral. Some say the custom is for the current First Lady to attend the funerals of former First Ladies, which Michele Obama is planning. Should a President attend such a funeral?