Beasts are Roaring & Babylon is Pleasuring

Some say that the Beast of Revelation 13 represents godless society, the cultures of men built without reference to God. Throughout history many worship this beast (Rev 13:8), which would mean that the Beast represents earthly power, and the desire of men to possess it, and to use it against one another. It calls to mind what Nietzsche called the “will to power.”

What greater power can one man exert over another than to take his life because he does not conform to a standard?

Babylon, also called the Harlot (Rev 17:5; 18), is said to represent the pleasures of the earth, including materialism, hedonism, and autonomy.

Together the Beast and Babylon attempt to keep men away from God, or to lure them away from Him, by powering them away through intimidation or persecution, or by pleasuring them away by appealing to base desires. They are counterfeit versions of the real thing, in which the Lion (Jesus Christ) reigns in righteous power, and the true Bride (His church) will experience true delights with him forevermore.

Today, the Beast roars, and the Harlot lures.

Soon, the Lion comes.

When the Lord’s Relief from Suffering is…More Suffering

We tend not to suffer very well.

The problem for Christians is that Jesus promised his followers that they would suffer, and suffer in spades. He told his disciples they would have tribulation in the world (John 16:33), that they shouldn’t be surprised at ordeals (1 Peter 4:12), and that we should even “consider it joy” when trials come (James 1:2).

In Revelation 2:8-11, Jesus reminds the congregation of this unpleasant fact, but demonstrates to them that suffering, for the one who is in Christ, does not hold power over them. He does. And not only does he have power over and for them, he is their relief. In fact, he tells them not to worry about their suffering, because, well, they will be getting some more.

How to Know What’s Real in an Age of Spiritual Fakes

As the world races toward the end we can be sure that fakes, counterfeits, and substitutes will abound.

Revelation tells us that in the last days there will be false Christians, false churches, false messiahs, false witnesses, false blessing, and false gospels. How is the believer to discern between them all?

The best way to detect counterfeit currency is to be well-acquainted with The Real Thing. Not surprisingly, the opening verses of Revelation (1:9-20) give us a picture of what is real, so that we will be better equipped to discern what is fake.

The real follower of Jesus Christ is one who is in Parity and in Partnership. John describes himself as as “brother” to those who would receive his letter. Though he had been one of the Lord’s closest disciples, having already authored one of the Gospels and a series of pastoral letters, all recognized by the church now as Holy Scripture, he did not consider himself greater than others.

Does Your Profession of Jesus Make Him Vomit?

In Revelation 3:14-22, the letter to the church at Laodicea, Jesus makes it clear that being lukewarm and abiding in Christ are mutually exclusive. To say someone is a “lukewarm Christian” is self-contradictory, an oxymoron.

Those who are lukewarm are usually the last to know of their condition. So how does a believer detect if he is lukewarm?

Jesus gives a summary of the assessment that the lukewarm have of themselves: “you say, ‘I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing'” yet are pitiable, ignorant of their true condition. How do we “hear what the Spirit say” in our own circumstance? What are some particular things to look for?

Those in Tribulation Must Heed the Word

The book of Revelation is always a big draw in church Sunday school classes and Bible studies, primarily because of the alluring prospect of being able to read Revelation in one hand the the newspaper in the other, assigning current events and political figures to the mysterious descriptions in John’s revelation.

One recurring theme in Revelation is the distinction between what is false and what is true. There are true and false disciples. There are true and false churches. There are true and false witnesses, true and false gospels, and true and false messiahs.

When Sound Doctrine & Furious Action Displease Christ

A congregation that is sound in doctrine and active in deeds may nonetheless displease Christ, and might be in danger of losing the privilege of representing Christ on earth.

Jesus warns just such a congregation in Revelation 2:1-7. The church at Ephesus had been so alert and orthodox doctrinally that it had exposed false teachers and dealt with them appropriately. And it had engaged in good deeds to the point of collective exhaustion, “not growing weary” when lesser congregations would have collapsed.

But Jesus still had stern words for the church. They had “abandoned the love they had at first.”

When Pigs Fly & Men Complain

No one could subdue the man, not even with shackles and chains, and no one was able to confine him anymore.

He was an exile, a social misfit, an outcast from polite (even impolite) society. He cut himself and beat himself and probably soiled himself as he ran around naked. The only people who didn’t mind his antisocial antics were dead: he lived in the graveyard, likely because there the neighbors never complained and he needn’t bag his leaves.

He was a spiritual zombie — alive by the barest of definitions and surrounded by death without and within. He was in emotional, physical and social desolation.